.comment-link {margin-left:.6em;} Searching for the Moon
My original blog - I have moved to http://shannonclark.wordpress.com so this remains only as an archive.
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Searching for the Moon
by Shannon Clark

Friday, September 26, 2003

or why I don't get jokes at the moment

I am moving my office and scattering things to the five winds.

Later today, and some tomorrow, my files, computers, and "stuff" will be moved to my house to set up a home office for me there (and test out my new DSL service which should be on but which I have not yet even tried).

My development team will be moving to an office in the south loop, as will a lot of our furniture which will be stored in a warehouse there (if you are reading this and knoiw anyone in Chicago who would like to buy some really great furniture for a office have them contact me ASAP). We are also moving our development servers, production web server and the developers computers and stuff into that office.

Our business files and items are going to yet another location.

And on top of that all we have sold a lot of our excess furniture to another company which is also moving this weekend.

And already our copier was picked up by one moving company (that same other firm took over our copier payments) and just before that our phone system which we sold them was taken apart and disassembled to be put back together at their new offices (and in the process crashing our office server which is one more thing for me to deal with next week).

Later this weekend and next week various other smaller items of furniture will be picked up by the buyers and/or owners of the respective pieces.

So, the net of all this is that I am crazed at the moment and hard to reach but will get back to everyone as soon as the dust settles, my computer(s) are back up and running, my webserver is serving, and the dust has settled.

Until then, please no jokes as I don't get them at the moment...

9/26/2003 03:33:00 PM 0 comments
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Shannon John Clark (email me), b. 1974.

Male (to hold off the assumptions), currently in Chicago, IL.
I am active on many other forums and sites around the Internet. If I am online, feel free to Skype me.
You are also welcome to connect with me on Omidyar Networks on LinkedIn or Ryze.com and my blog on Ecademy or see more about me at MeshForum or my corporate site, JigZaw . I also maintain piecing IT together, as my corporate blog for JigZaw Inc.