My original blog - I have moved to so this remains only as an archive.
Searching for the Moon
by Shannon Clark
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
This is a simple and elegant solution to a problem I have somewhat frequently encountered. Specifically - how to send (or get) a very large file from someone without having a shared network connection. I have solved this personally by setting up one of my corporate servers with a similar (but one-directional) service and with a password protected client/partner login area.
Dropload offers a solution for larger scale and more distributed concerns.
A thought that occurs to me is that this service could be very helpful in distributing large files to a widely dispersed group - i.e. an open network working on a project for example.
It will also be handy when working not on my own servers or when working with shorter term projects/assignments - i.e. a friend asks me to review a file too large to email, this is a way for us to share that file in a quick, rapid fashion.
Very cool.
12/30/2003 07:11:00 PM