My original blog - I have moved to so this remains only as an archive.
Searching for the Moon
by Shannon Clark
Monday, April 03, 2006
Bill Gates lands role in 'Doctor Who' | | CNET
Bill Gates lands role in 'Doctor Who' | | CNET
And yet another reason I will have to get my hands on some episodes of the new Dr. Who one of these days...
With the exception of the current new series, I have seen EVERY single episode of Dr. Who which survives, and even most of the ones that only fragments of which survive. In high school my friend Dwight Sora and I had a collection of Dr. Who items whch included tapes of nearly every episode, most of the then published books, and many many more items. I still have my half of the collection in boxes at my parent's house in Illinois.
I was not a serious fan of Star Wars or Star Trek, I was always more of a fan of Dr. Who. For me, the series had much more complexity and possibilities than either of the more "American" SF series and special effects aside, I always found the ongoing universe of Dr. Who vastly more compelling and engaging. As well, as a fan, I loved how interactive and long standing the series was, with more recent shows (including the latest which I have yet to be seen) clearly being the work of long time fans such as myself.
4/03/2006 11:55:00 PM