.comment-link {margin-left:.6em;} Searching for the Moon
My original blog - I have moved to http://shannonclark.wordpress.com so this remains only as an archive.
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Searching for the Moon
by Shannon Clark

Friday, June 23, 2006

Bloggercon - emotions and blogging
I am sitting at Bloggercon where I am listening to a discussion about emotional blogging and what to put/not put in your blogs.

I tend to write and live in a very open manner - I assume that having been online for so long that pretty much my entire life (warts, glasses, bad habits and all) will show up online and in fairly simple searches. (search flickr for me - you'll see what I mean)

I'm in the midst of looking for a new place to live - moved to the bay area in January and signed a 6 month lease in Berkeley - now I'm looking for a place in San Francisco (possibly with roommates - so not unlikely that you might be reading this very post). My personal relationships are also changing - which puts me in a bit of an awkward position about how/what/if to write about it.

More on that later (if you know me personally, ask I'll explain)

6/23/2006 06:40:00 PM 1 comments
Hi Shannon! I'm glad you blog and I can keep up a bit with all you're going through. A few sad tinges in your 4th of July but certainly more special than mine was. Andrius
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Shannon John Clark (email me), b. 1974.

Male (to hold off the assumptions), currently in Chicago, IL.
I am active on many other forums and sites around the Internet. If I am online, feel free to Skype me.
You are also welcome to connect with me on Omidyar Networks on LinkedIn or Ryze.com and my blog on Ecademy or see more about me at MeshForum or my corporate site, JigZaw . I also maintain piecing IT together, as my corporate blog for JigZaw Inc.